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Saving Katya Page 6
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Page 6
The otherwise empty elevator took her to the fourth floor in silence. She cleared the hallway in record time and paused at her door long enough to glance at her watch. 10:30. Good. She peaked inside, and the dimly-lit outer room confirmed her hope that everyone was sleeping.
Kate strolled to the couch and sank down into it with a heavy sigh. She struggled to keep her tears locked away. She failed miserably and dropped her face into her hands.
Some part of Kate, on mostly an unconscious level, saw the inner door of Debra’s room opening. Her pride wanted the tears to dry up, but they wouldn’t comply.
Debra dropped onto the couch and draped a comforting arm around Kate’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“He knows about Katya.” Kate’s sobs muffled her words, but she took Debra’s tensing body as confirmation that she understand. “I didn’t have to tell him...he knew.”
Debra didn’t say anything right away, but when she did her tone was soothing, “What happened?”
Amid tears, Kate relayed the fine points—as she saw them. With each sentence Debra’s expression darkened; she’d wanted to believe the best about Alexei. And knowing Debra, the romance-novel queen, she’d want Kate to get the fairy tale, not the shaft the second go-round.
Debra was bound to end up disappointed.
“I’ve got to keep Katya away from him.” Her breath caught audibly in her throat.
“Why?” Debra asked. “From what you say, it’s not like he’s going to make much fuss about her.”
“But what if she asks me who he is...” Kate’s words trailed off into silence. She couldn’t lie to Katya. As it turned out, the Olympics weren’t going to be Kate’s savior after all—not when they were hanging like a noose around her neck.
There was only one thing left to do. Her baby girl had to go home. But Kate couldn’t disappoint Katya either. She’d promised to take her skating at the outdoor rink.
That settled it. They’d take an early turn on the ice in the morning and then Kate would send Angeline and Katya home—before that noose tightened.
THE NEXT MORNING when Alexei emerged from his bedroom inside the suite, he found Serge still pacing the same tract he’d been trekking last evening when Alexei had bid him goodnight.
Serge’s growing apprehension over the deportation deadline was starting to annoy Alexei. So had that damned torch lighting fiasco.
Alexei moved to the window overlooking the outdoor rink. A few skaters glided over the ice but he found none of them interesting. His thoughts meandered back to last night in the limo with Kate. Clearly, she didn’t want him to have anything to do with her daughter. That realization was like a thorn piercing his heart. Sure, okay—he understood that this Keith Carlson was the child’s father, but what could it hurt to let them meet?
For the first time, Alexei wanted to fire his agent. Brent had gotten him into this mess, but Alexei knew he wouldn’t be getting him out. Far as Alexei could see, there wasn’t any way out.
Serge broke from his trek and marched toward the window, stilling silently at Alexei’s side. He felt Serge’s eyes scrutinizing him. Alexei crossed his arms over his chest, as if that would keep Serge from seeing the chaos wrecking havoc on his nerves. “Did you find the husband?” The words left a bad taste in his mouth.
“No.” Serge slid his hands inside his trouser pockets. “He appears to be a mystery.”
“Perhaps,” Alexei said, and didn’t try to stop the hope fueling his voice, “the marriage ended years ago?”
“Yes, well...you have far more pressing matters to contend with.”
“Such as?”
“An order was signed moments ago—by a judge—to have you removed from the United States.” Serge paused, brandishing an I-told-you-so scowl. “As we suspected...the US wants to avoid a scandal. The order allots you two weeks from the end of the Olympics to vacate the country.”
“You think they’ll enforce it?”
Serge laughed and laid his arms across his chest. “Do you think the Senator would obtain a judge’s signature if she’s only bluffing?”
Well, maybe.
Probably not.
But just in case, Alexei didn’t want to leave himself open. He turned to Serge. “What options do we have?”
“Well, short of getting married...I’d say, pack your bags.”
“Very funny.” Alexei returned to the window and peered out, seeing Kate and Debra and the little girl and her caregiver from the other day, donning their skates. He looked down at his suit. He’d need to change. “Well, then...” He grinned at Serge. “Let’s see what we can do about finding me a wife.”
A wife. That was by far the dumbest idea Serge had ever come up with. Alexei disappeared inside his room in the suite and began shedding his clothes. He dressed in a pair of grey slacks and a midnight-blue pullover sweater—easy for ice skating.
Emerging from his private room, he was glad Serge was gone even if it did leave him feeling a bit wary. Let’s hope he hasn’t gone out to find me a wife. Seriously.
Alexei slid into a leather jacket, slipped the hotel key into his pocket and headed out. Various scenarios entered his mind as he made his way toward the outdoor skate park. Was the little girl—Katya—Kate’s daughter? That would explain why he’d been drawn to the child. Kate’s daughter. It made sense. But she’d named the child she’d bore for another man Katya. Jealousy pangs pierced Alexei’s heart.
Alexei sat on a bench near one of the rink’s entrances farthest from the Fairway to put on his skates. Slipping out of his shoes, he watched Kate kneeling before the little girl—clearly her daughter—tying her laces.
Cool zephyrs shifted the bitter air about lazily. But Alexei didn’t care about it or the bright and vivid sunlight painting the scene picture-perfect. The only thing he cared about was Kate. That, and where was her husband.
Alexei laced his skates but his gaze remained frozen on Kate. She tapped Katya’s leg, smiled and rose, reaching for her hand. Alexei stood and tapped his skates against the ice one at a time. Kate and the little girl coasted out onto the ice, clasped their hands together and began twirling around and round. The child giggled.
Alexei glided casually across the ice toward them.
“Do a Toe Loop, Mommy!” Katya squealed.
For a split-second, as Alexei drew nearer, he saw the hesitation drift across Kate’s face. But it, like a lighthouse beacon, passed on by.
Kate nodded before skating off on her own. Alexei coasted toward her, trying to guess when the last time was that she’d done any sort of jump on the ice. “Katya...” He trailed a slow, provocative circle around her. “Shall we take a turn together?” he asked, offering his hand.
She hesitated. Was her husband somewhere nearby? He should scan the perimeter, but she didn’t so neither did he. Just when Alexei was about to give up, she draped her delicate palm over his. Her hand was cold, but her cheeks flushed the same pink color as the fuzzy little beret she was wearing. She smiled and moved closer to him. His mind told him to resist, but his body refused. Alexei pulled Kate into a side-by-side skating embrace.
The mere act of touching her sent a pleasurable shiver through Alexei—pleasure he shouldn’t be feeling. As they skated the perimeter of the rink, he couldn’t help being fixated on the growing crowd, all interested in seeing a reunion on the ice between Alexei Petrova and Kate Peterson. They were a sensation—albeit for a very short time—back then, and they were apparently turning into a sensation out on the ice today. This was all fine and well, except for one thing. Kate’s husband. How would he feel about this little reunion?
Alexei should stop. He knew it. But the prospect of skating with her was like a drug lulling him toward ecstasy. Powerless to resist the lure, he spun her around and reluctantly released her hands, watching her float away.
Alexei skated to one side while Kate went to the other. They met in the middle, settling into a not-so-perfect Pair Spin�
��even so, it felt wonderful. The crowd exploded into applause, not seeming to see or care about their imperfection.
Kate latched onto his biceps and her laughter bubbled over. She looked genuinely happy. And then her mood changed, her body stiffened and she backed away. If Alexei had to guess, he’d say her husband had just crossed her mind.
“Mommy, that was awesome!” Katya’s praise barged into Alexei’s thoughts and made him consider his own remorse and regret—that he wasn’t the one dancing with Kate, on and off the ice. That he wasn’t Katya’s father. He glanced off to the side and saw Katya gliding toward them at full speed, and it was too late to avoid the collision. She crashed into them. Alexei steadied Kate with one hand and latched onto Katya with the other.
Kate’s intent gaze fell upon Alexei. She looked like she wanted to say something, but after a brief bought with hesitation she sighed heavily and grabbed Katya’s arm, easing her away from Alexei.
“My mommy’s a great skater, isn’t she?” Katya glanced up at him and recognition lit her eyes. “Hey...you were with Mommy last night when they lit the torch.”
“Yes, I was.” He cut his eyes toward Kate and gave her a wink, instantly realizing he shouldn’t have done that.
“Do you know my Mommy?” Katya asked.
“Yes, I do.” Alexei gazed at the child, and she gave him a sweet smile that left him with a bittersweet feeling. “Your mother and I skated together, a long time ago.”
“Well, briefly.” Kate was quick to add.
“My mommy has lots of Gold Medals—even an Olympic one,” Katya said to Alexei.
“So does Alexei.” Kate gave a dismissive shrug and knelt down to Katya’s level. She straightened her daughter’s fluffy hat and matching scarf. “You look cold. Are you cold, sweetie?” Kate tucked Katya’s scarf into her jacket at her neck. Katya nodded. “I’ll bet Angeline will take you to get some hot chocolate.”
“All right.” Katya’s grin lit up her eyes. She glanced at Alexei. “Excuse me,” she added before skating off.
“You don’t have to send her off on my account.” Alexei said.
When Kate turned to him, her face had morphed into a scowl. “I don’t want you to put yourself out or anything.”
Alexei laughed. “Come on, Katya...I’m not that bad.”
Kate’s top lip twitched as if a snarl was trying to escape. “You know what, Alexei?” She threw her hands into the air. “I’m sure you’ve got more pressing matters to attend to than bestowing charity on me and my daughter!” She spun around and skated away.
Wow. Where’d that come from? Just when he thought he was making progress. He’d acted with nothing but professionalism since he’d found out about her husband and kid. But still, she wanted to crucify him. Why?
If she’d found a way to give her heart to another, he would find a way to live with it. But the thought of them parting on bad terms was like a knife gouging into his heart.
The last bit of hope Alexei had been holding onto vanished. He glided to the sidelines and helped himself to the bench holding his belongings. Idle thoughts filled his head. Kate’s life was picture-perfect. Too perfect. Something was off. He laid his arms along the back railing and studied Kate and Katya, who’d returned with Angeline and a cup of hot cocoa. Katya sipped it, handed it off to Angeline and sailed out toward Kate. Alexei watched intently as mother and daughter played together on the ice.
Why wasn’t Kate’s husband here? The man’s absence made no sense. Alexei folded his arms over his chest. As his American friends had often told him—there’s something fishy going on around here.
Alexei wouldn’t rest until he found out what.
“Mommy!” Katya’s scream ripped through Alexei’s wallowing thoughts. His scanned the rink; Kate was lying on the ice with Katya, Debra and Angeline looming over her.
Alexei charged across the ice and dropped at her side, his knees slamming hard against the ice. He felt the pain of bitter cold even through his slacks.
“Call an ambulance!” Debra shrieked. “Someone call an ambulance.” She ripped her glove off and reached for Kate’s wrist.
“Katya?” Alexei called Kate by his pet name for her, pushing Debra aside. He laid his fingers against the pulse point of her neck. Feeling a strong beat, he blew out a sigh. “What happened?” He kept his tone calm, controlled.
“I don’t know.” Debra’s voice, on the other hand was shaky and frantic. “She just stumbled and fell.”
Stumbled? Kate Peterson stumble? Olympic Gold Medalists don’t stumble, even retired ones.
Alexei pried open an eyelid and examined Kate’s pupil. Not that he’d know what to look for, or what it meant when he found it. He had no idea if her contracting pupil was a good sign or a bad one.
Kate began coming around with a low, lingering moan. Alexei blew out a mouthful of air, half-surprised at the tension leaving with his sigh. “Hey.” He greeted her, touching her cheek with the back of his hand. She raised her shoulders to sit up. “Just lie back.” With a soft shushing, he nudged her back down.
“Alexei...” She forced her way up. “The ice is cold.” Seconds later, she grabbed at her forehead with one hand, muttering, “Whoa...” She fumbled, probably for something to hold onto, with her free hand and came up with his sweater.
Alexei swept Kate her into his arms and carried her to an empty bench on the edge of the rink. Easing her down, he planted himself at her side. “Are you all right? What happened, Katya?” Inexplicable fear washed over him as he examined her paled face.
“I’m okay.” She glanced in his direction but failed to make eye contact.
“We’ll let the doctors be the judge of that.” Debra’s insistent voice pulled Alexei’s attention to her. She was sitting on the other side of Kate, looking just as worried as he felt.
“I’m fine,” Kate said, her tone short.
The siren’s blare grew louder the closer the ambulance got. The driver hauled the vehicle as close to the ice as he could, then the paramedics hopped out and proceeded with what Alexei thought looked like an intricately choreographed dance. They pulled a stretcher out of the back and raced toward Kate, who was still lying on the bench. As they loaded her onto the stretcher and prepared to haul her away, fear reached down and settled in Alexei’s gut. Last night, he’d thought seeing Katya happily married was the worse thing that could happen. Today, he found out that wasn’t so.
“We have room for one person in the ambulance.” The elder paramedic advised, searching their faces, naturally gravitating to Alexei’s—the man on the scene.
“I should go with her.” Debra stepped in front of Alexei.
“Miss Debra, please take me with you…” Katya sobbed.
“There isn’t room for everyone, sweetie.” Debra’s voice saddened right along with her guilted and remorseful expression.
Alexei stepped forward. “I’ll bring Katya and Angeline to the hospital in my car.”
Debra’s blue eyes, full of uncertainty, darted in his direction. “Okay.” She gave him a deadpan nod. “Let me clear that with Kate.” She climbed inside the ambulance and instantly they began whispering with heated gestures.
What’s the big deal? Alexei slid his hands inside the pockets of his pullover sweater. He stepped back a couple of paces, assessing the scene inside the ambulance.
The sight of Kate arguing with Debra suggested she had something to hide. The only thing lacking in this scenario was her husband, Katya’s father. But hiding him made no sense. Why would she do that?
Alexei strode a few steps away, just out of earshot for those around him. He hit the speed dial on his cell phone and waited for Serge to answer.
“Speak to me,” Serge said in a friendly tone.
“Find out where Keith Carlson is,” Alexei said, wasting no time with idle chit-chat.
Kate wanted out of the ambulance. The paramedics had other ideas. Debra was supporting them and that didn’t help. But Katya—she had to protect Katya. Even if it cost K
ate her eyesight.
“You’ve got to relax.” Debra laid an authoritative hand on Kate’s shoulder, insisting she stay on the stretcher. “We need to make sure your retinas weren’t damaged.” The fear in Debra’s voice hit a brick wall.
“To hell with my damned retinas.” Kate tried to sit up, but her will was not as strong as Debra’s grip. “Where’s Katya?”
“She’s with Alexei and Angeline,” Debra said in an ultra-calm tone. “He’s bringing them to the hospital.”
“Oh, hell no.” Kate was half-way off the stretcher when the needle prick stung her arm. She looked down, seeing the medic and the syringe pulling away. “What the hell’d you do that for?”
“Ms. Peterson, you’re too agitated considering the state of your illness.” The attendant had a powerful, resilient look about him…or maybe it was just the drugs clouding Kate’s ability to think. Either way, she knew she was done for. Damn Debra for spilling the beans.
“You told them…?” she muttered.
“Kate, it would’ve been irresponsible not to,” Debra said.
“But Katya is alone with him.”
“She’s not alone,” Debra said. “Angeline is with them.”
“She doesn’t know. She might say something without meaning to.” There was a desperation in Kate’s voice, and Debra suspected it was pushing out the coherent, albeit slurred, words through the drug-induced haze that was quickly taking over Kate brain. “Katya is too smart.”
Kate had a point. One slip of the tongue from Alexei, or an inquisitive observation from Angeline...and Katya would put two and two together.
“All right then,” Debra said. “Would you feel better if I go with them?” Debra was willing to try anything at this point. She didn’t know why, but she wanted Kate going under peacefully, not worried about Katya.
“Yes. Yes.” Hope seeped out in Kate’s fading voice. “You go with them.” She fisted her hand around Debra’s coat sleeve. “You can keep her safe.”
“I’ll go,” Debra’s said. “But you’ve got to promise to stay calm and do what they say.” She waved a hand toward the medics.